Acupuncture Treatments

Four Seasons Acupuncture uses a blend of both Japanese style acupuncture and Chinese style acupuncture. Japanese style works on the principle that when the pulses are balanced then your body can heal itself. Chinese style acupuncture works on the principle of the flow of energy in your body, that when the energy gets blocked, then there is pain and disease.
acupuncturist in Chattanooga

Japanese Style

Japanese style acupuncture utilizes the use of six position pulse diagnosis and abdominal palpation based on five element theory. Six position pulse diagnosis is the placement of six fingers, three on each wrist. Japanese style is very gentle. It utilizes very shallow insertion. Japanese style works best for the root cause or your underline constitution. It is extremely effective for balancing emotional well being by calming your physical and emotional response.

Chinese Style

Chinese style acupuncture is more aggressive. Needle insertion is deep and stimulation is aggressive. One of the theories of Traditional Chinese medicine is meridian theory. The sick meridian is determined by the location of the pain or the signs and symptoms. This process works very well for headaches, neck, back and all types of pain. This is referred to as “chasing the pain”. Needling local points in conjunction with meridian theory or by themselves are also very effective.

Four Seasons Acupuncture combines both Japanese and Chinese styles together by doing a root treatment in Japanese style to balance your pulse and doing a branch treatment in Chinese style to treat your symptoms. Japanese style is more effective in addressing your underline constitution and Chinese style is more effective in addressing your symptoms. An integration of the two methods provides the best possible treatment for you, allowing for a free flow of energy that is balanced so your body can heal itself.

Cupping and Electro Stimulation

Four Seasons Acupuncture also uses cupping and electro stimulation. Cupping moves the stagnated blood out of the muscles. There is great success with the use of cupping if you have sever chronic pain due to auto accidents or old injuries. Athletes who have extremely tight muscles due to over training have found cupping to be an effective method for healing. Electro stimulation is an aggressive treatment that is used it for more complex problems.